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#+-| 15.3.6 |--------------------------+######################################
#| +--------+ Memo I/O Functions Table |######################################
#####+--| Function |------------| Usage |--------------------------------+####
#####| m_close ............ Closes a memo.                               |####
#####| m_eof .............. Determines if memo stream is at end of memo. |####
#####| m_edit ............. Allows display or editing of a memo field.   |####
#####| m_getln ............ Reads from a memo.                           |####
#####| m_exist ............ Tests for a memo at record number.           |####
#####| m_open ............. Opens a memo for reading or editing.         |####
#####| m_put .............. Writes a line of text to a memo.             |####
#####| m_putln ............ Writes a line of text to a memo stream.      |####
#####|                      The cr and lf characters are prepended       |####
#####|                      to the text before writing to the memo.      |####
#####| The memo functions allow menus to be treated a sequential files. |#####

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